Brady Mallalieu Architects adds slatted timber balconies to east London housing scheme – YouTube

Check out the video. Vertical timber slats provide shade and privacy for staggered balconies arranged across the facade of this east London housing development by local architects Angela Brady and Robin Mallalieu. The Underwood Road project was designed by Brady Mallalieu Architects for developers Peabody and contains 33 properties of varying scales.

Plant wars: some tree species compete better against grasses for reforestation

What happens to degraded pastureland once the cows are kicked out? After years of letting the area rest, does it eventually become what it once was? Not likely. When disruptions such as invasive species and human interference are introduced to an area, ecological succession doesn’t occur the way it should naturally. Source: Plant wars: some…

How We Created The Most Comprehensive Silviculture Planner Ever – Silvacom

In the Beginning… Prior to the launch of Silvacom’s Silviculture Planner, we were using an aspatial tracking system called Silviculture Online. At that time we had a different version of this system for each client, which made updates and enhancements quite challenging. Silviculture Online had passed its life span and something had to be done,…